Nov 27, 2009

Removing Acne Scars With The Natural Method

Removing acne scars can be done with normal acne treatments and also with natural acne treatments. Natural sources such as herbs may be used to cure acne scars. The curing starts from inside and the curing process is progressive. Despite the slow healing by natural cures, they are however much safer and have basically no side effects. But, you should also know that there are exceptional events of allergic reactions.

The following are some natural remedies which are extensively used:

1. Cucumber
2. Indian gooseberry
3. Aloe Vera

As you may have noticed in the above said plants are created excellent for out skin. For instance, Aloe Vera, is famous to help in curing a few skin disorders. Plus, its juice is able to assist in reducing the scar’s dark color when you apply it.

Whereas cucumber is famous for giving our skin a smooth radiance. Furthermore, cucumber paste can provide astonishing results when applied on acne scars. Lastly, the Indian gooseberry creams as well as gels is a useful remedy to stop scars from emerging when the wound has cured.

Remember that the acne scar will not go away overnight. It has to be given time as well as constant application to achieve results. Also remember that other scars sometimes are much harder to get rid of than the others. Special natural formula may be required to eliminate them. Some of other effective scar treatment regimens are:

1. Honey
2. Ice cubes
3. Olive oil
4. Tea tree oil and
5. Vinegar

The above products will be able to assist in reducing the visibility of your acne scar when you apply it on your skin. Add honey to the cream that you apply on your face. Also you could add yogurt and oats in the mask. You can apply ice cubes, tea tree oil and olive on your skin directly. While the vinegar need to be mixed together with 2 parts of water prior to applying it using a cotton. Take note that vinegar is a strong stuff and some people are allergic to vinegar.

Your acne condition is affected by your lifestyle and food. Even though there is no proof that link acne and food directly, studies have found that it very much affects the enhancement of our skin condition. Healthy diet is the solution for healthy body. Healthy body will be reflected in healthy skin.

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