Jan 5, 2010

The Treatment for Cystic Acne

As you may know, there are plenty of treatments for cystic acne available out there. However, much of them do not work. If you are looking for the treatment for cystic acne, here are some informations about the treatments.

1. Accutane. Accutane is a powerful drug to treat severe acne. Before using accutane, you really must get some advice from your dermatologist. Accutane is excellent for clearing your skin and it originated from Vitamin A. You need to take it orally for about 15 to 20 weeks. Accutane is widely use to fight severe acne because it considerably reduces the skin oil gland size and the quantity of oil produces by the skin, lessen acne bacteria, prevents pores from being clogged, and will also assist in stopping inflammation. Nevertheless, you should not over use it because it can make your whole skin dry up and bits of it chipping off. It is also not the safest treatment for cystic acne since it has some extremely painful side effects like muscle pain.

2. Laser Treatment. Many people who chose laser treatment to get rid of their acne, removed a minimum of 37% of their acne during their first visit. The subsequent 3 laser treatments will get rid of more than 85% of their visible acne. Most people will have an acne free face after about 4 to 5 treatments. Despite the fact laser treatment is a great way to combat cystic acne treatments, the treatment also have some side effects.

3. Herbal Treatment. Some herbs such as calendula, tea leaves and green tea leaves (dried) can assist in treating your acne. When they are combined together with other medications, they will assist the skin to maintain the right quantity of moisture as well as oil which shall sooth your skin. Aloe vera is one great herb that shall assist in acne treatment. For cystic acne, skin experts and dermatologist suggest that you utilize gels which contain aloe vera as its main ingredient. Aloe vera will help prevent bacteria and dirt from infecting your pores once you have cleaned them.

I hope the above article about the treatment for cystic acne will help you in fighting your acne.


  1. Unlike many people who could afford to spend thousands of dollars to treat acne, Thank you for introducing me to cheap skin care tips.

  2. Acne antibiotics, such as Erythromycin, Tetracycline and Minocycline will effectively bring down the infection produced by cystic acne, however, these medications do not have the ability to prevent the infection recurring or aid the body in the resorption of the cyst.
    Acne Products
